Transforming Ruins Into Timeless Stories
Supporting Greece's Ancient Sites Through Dedicated Funding and Archaeological Initiatives
Supporting Greece's Ancient Sites Through Dedicated Funding and Archaeological Initiatives
From The IIiad and The Odyssey, by a man living in the 8th century BC on the island of Chios in the eastern Aegean Sea, the legacy of THE TROJAN WAR has become firmly established in western literature. These writings and the entire Bronze Age have revealed intriguing stories of myth, legend, and history. Come with us as we explore this legacy, how the Legendary Greeks evolved into the Mediterranean, Achilles’ grandfather down to his three grandsons, Homer’s war, the kingdoms and palaces of the kings, excavations of Troy, and the fiery collapse of that Bronze Age harboring ominous signs for our own world today.
Homer’s Phthia, the homeland of Achilles, hero of the Trojan War, and the kingdom of his father King Peleus, has eluded the scientific community of scholars for some, 3200 years. Many towns in the Thessalian tetrad of Ancient Phthiotida, three hours northwest of Athens, claim their site as the palace of Achilles. Clearly, Achilles belongs to all Thessalians, Hellenes, and the world community. References from ancient writers and many others, including the President of “THE ACHILLES FOUNDATION,” clearly identify Pharsala as his capital city. As he stated in his third article on Achilles, summer of 2007:
"With the identification of Homer’s Phthia in southeastern Thessaly at Pharsala the time is ripe for that godlike legend, Achilles, hero of the Trojan War, to fulfill his destiny – facing death in order to live eternally. History lost in the shadows and ravages of time (3200 years) can now rightfully be returned to his people – the people of the Pelasgian Argos in Thessaly whom Homer called Hellenes from Hellas and Phthia, the kingdom of Achilles and his father Peleus."
“THE ACHILLES FOUNDATION” is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization as designated by the Internal Revenue Service in September 2009. Along with other funding sources being developed, it has been established as a Florida corporation primarily in support of “The Achilles Project” in Greece plus the development of other key ancient sites as time, staffing, funding, and government approvals allow. The mission of the Foundation is to provide for archaeological and historical research, excavation, preservation, and educational services covering ancient Greek world sites. The epic book, "The LANDMARK ACHILLES," by Dr. James Brianas President of THE ACHILLES FOUNDATION, covering archaeological research from 1999 to 2019 is scheduled to be published and available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other bookstores before the end of 2024.
Along with the resurrection of the homeland of Achilles, many ancient sites lay dormant, waiting for interested institutions. Among these is the site where Greece received its name, Hellas, also the site of Asclepius at Trikala, the world’s first medical healer whose health spas doted the eastern Mediterranean, and nearby Homer's 'Rocky Ithomi terraced high plus the magnificent sites surrounding the city of Volos, all these sites located in the province of Thessaly. These are just a sampling of the hundreds typically lying dormant covered by several feet of earth accumulated over the centuries – the lost beauty that was the glory of Ancient Greece.
Help us to discover and resurrect these sites, including other sites in Greece you the reader or your organization may have an interest in, and pass on a legacy from our historical background that the world continues to admire and as a byproduct restore the local economies of a vibrant nation.
YOUR DONATION IS TAX DEDUCTIBLE. (1) Make checks out to “THE ACHILLES FOUNDATION,” and mail them to Truist Bank, 2350 Solomons Island Rd., Annapolis, MD 21401. On the bottom left of your check, write “For account ending 842,” or (2) Send your check to our Foundation address also provided herein.
C/O James Brianas
3 Compromise St., Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Phone/Text: (386) 453-8450